Grace Church believes that Mercy Ministry is borne out of a response to the grace shown to us by Jesus as the fruit of love from the Gospel we believe (Matthew 25:34-40).
Through acts of mercy, we seek to help people with practical needs in the name of Jesus Christ. We believe authentic Mercy Ministry is an expression of God's common grace and
the compassion of Christ as we serve through our words and deeds (Luke 10:25-37).
In Micah 6:8 we are reminded that the Lord "has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with
your God." Our keynote speaker this year is Rev. Dr. Jonathan Master, President of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary.
Therefore, Mercy Ministry is the emphasis of our second annual Missions Conference. We will highlight two Mercy Ministries: The Pregnancy Center of Pickens County, and Goshen 
Valley Ministries of Cherokee County. We will also hear from several Grace Church members who are involved in various Mercy Ministries.
Join us Saturday evening 5:00pm for a presentation followed by a catered meal and a service beginning at 6:30pm. There will be presentations in combined Sunday School at 9:00 am on Sunday
and Worship at 10:30 am. The conference will close with a presentation at 5:30pm followed by a service, concluding with a light dinner and fellowship.
Sign up today!
Throughout Grace Church’s existence, the Great Commission has been our heartbeat, whether internationally, in the United States, or in the Cherokee County area.
We partner with mission boards, organizations, and missionaries to reach Northwest Georgia and the world for Christ.
Our ministry focus is to be involved in church planting, discipleship, evangelism, leadership development, and deeds of love, mercy, and justice.

Domestic Missions
Reformed University Fellowship:  Kennesaw State University
North Georgia Pregnancy Center in Jasper, GA.
Gideons International
Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Gospel Reformation Network

Global Missions
Teaching Missions International
Albania Church Planting
Bulgaria Church Planting
Central Asia Church Planting
South Asia Church Planting
India Theological Education and Leadership Training
Haiti Theological Education, Leadership Development, and Mercy Ministry
Grenada Theological Education and Leadership Training