Our Story

How it all started...

Grace Church has a deep historical background of gospel ministry in Cherokee County. The church was organized in 1972 as an independent Baptist church with just over one hundred members from Oakdale Baptist Church, under the leadership of Dr. Marvin Frady.

 A few years later the church called Rev. Bobby Morris, who served as pastor for twenty-two years. After his retirement in 1998, Robie Hembree was called to shepherd the congregation and entered the office of pastor on July 20, 1999. He was ordained by the church in 2006. That same year, the church was reconstituted as a confessional and reformed independent church and changed its name to Grace Church.

 In 2007, Grace Church called Rev. Jody Stancil as our Associate Pastor. Jody’s grandparents were charter members of the church, and Rev. Stancil grew up attending Grace Church. After graduating from the University of Georgia in 2002, he attended Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida, where he completed a Master of Divinity (MDiv) in 2006. He was ordained into gospel ministry in 2007 by the Northwest Georgia Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in America. In 2008 the Presbytery received Pastor Hembree and the church into the PCA.
In 2023 Riverside Community Church in Cartersville, Ga was particularized as a PCA church in the North West Georgia Presbytery. They called Jody Stancil as their pastor.

Join them if you are in town:

Expanding the vision...

Gospel Driven:

We believe that the good news of Jesus Christ impacts individuals, families, the church, and the culture to bring the power of freedom and lasting change. Therefore, Grace Church strives to be a Christ-centered, Gospel-focused and Grace-empowered congregation, believing and bringing the good news of forgiveness, freedom, and power in the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We affirm that the Gospel is good news:

The Gospel is the good news that when we rely upon Jesus and His work for our relationship to God, Kingdom power comes upon us and begins to radically change us into the likeness of Jesus Christ.  It is the good news that the power of God’s Kingdom has come in the Person and work of Jesus Christ to renew all things and to reconcile the whole world to God.


True reformation begins with the reconciling power of Christ’s Gospel working in the hearts and lives of His people. The Gospel is Jesus Christ’s  transforming power to reconcile individuals, families, the church, and the community to God through reforming hearts and minds. Reconciliation means that Jesus Christ is present with His people to provide freedom, identity and respect.


Gospel reformation provokes a deep love and adoration for all that Christ is, and all that Christ has done for us and in us and through us. The Gospel is the good news of Christ’s transforming presence that deepens our love for God, inspiring genuine worship and igniting faithful service.  The love of Jesus Christ constrains our devotion and compels our gratitude to Him.


The Gospel is the good news that all of God’s promises are “yes, and Amen” in Christ. In the Gospel, Jesus has fulfilled all of God’s covenant promises to and for His people. The biblical term “covenant” describes a Christian’s sacred relationships with the Triune God, His Church and one another. At Grace Church, these loving relationships characterize how we want to learn, live and serve one another, as well as the community. The good news of Christ’s transforming love compels the body of Christ to love one another, to intersect and impact our community and the world with Christ’s love.


As Christians grow deep in their understanding of how the Gospel transforms and frees them, Christ’s transforming work makes everyone’s calling “the work of ministry.”  Jesus Christ’s call makes that service joyful and fruitful for the glory of His Name.  In other words Jesus calls everyone to the work of ministry which consists of both sharing the word and meeting needs inside and outside the church.  Leaders of Christ’s church equip everyone for “the work of ministry.”  Equipped members are then mobilized to carry out their mission with delight and joy!

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:30am.