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Morning Worship | August 20, 2023
Morning Worship
The Lord's Day – August 20, 2023 – 10:30 AM
Please silence all communication devices before worship begins.
§ Denotes congregation standing as able
Welcome and Announcements
The Prayer of Invocation
The Prelude
§ The Call to Worship from Zeph. 3:14; Isa. 30:18
Pastor: Sing aloud, O daughter of Zion; Shout, O Israel!
Rejoice and exult with all your heart.
For the LORD waits to be gracious to you.
§ The Prayer of Adoration
§ The Hymn of Adoration For All the Saints N0 358
The Lord's Day – August 20, 2023 – 10:30 AM
Please silence all communication devices before worship begins.
§ Denotes congregation standing as able
Welcome and Announcements
- Ladies of all ages: Register now for the Ladies Brunch on September 16 from 10am-12pm. Check the weekly email or the app to sign up.
- Combined Worship Service at Christ Covenant PCA in Woodstock tonight at 5pm. Join us for a Youth Gathering afterward at Dupree Park.
- NWGP Youth Retreat is coming up on Nov 3-5, 2023! We need two male and two female chaperones. Please contact Amy H or Troy S if interested.
- If you are interested in coordinating our Trunk or Treat in October, please let Amy H or Pastor Robie know ASAP. We will need someone very soon for the event to proceed.
The Prayer of Invocation
The Prelude
§ The Call to Worship from Zeph. 3:14; Isa. 30:18
Pastor: Sing aloud, O daughter of Zion; Shout, O Israel!
Rejoice and exult with all your heart.
For the LORD waits to be gracious to you.
§ The Prayer of Adoration
§ The Hymn of Adoration For All the Saints N0 358
The Prayer of Confession
[Take a moment to silently confess your sins and unbelief…Amen.]
The Assurance of Pardon (Unison)
Psalm 103:8-12
The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. He will not always chide, nor will He keep His anger forever. He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His steadfast love toward those who fear Him; as far as the east is from the west, so far does He remove our transgressions from us.
The Reading of Scripture
Ezra 2:1-58
Pew Bible 389
The Receiving of New Members and Sacrament of Baptism
Membership Vows: Grayson and Mary Snyder
Baptism: Lewis Snyder
The Prayer of Thanksgiving
Kyle Mbiad, Deacon
The Giving of Tithes and Offerings
§ The Doxology
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
praise Him all creatures here below;
Praise God above, Praise God above,
ye heavenly host:
Praise the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Alleluia, allelu…alleluia. Amen. -- Ortega
The Prayer of Supplication
Stephen Murphy, Elder
The Hymn of Preparation
Christ is Made the Sure Foundation
N0 342
[Take a moment to silently confess your sins and unbelief…Amen.]
The Assurance of Pardon (Unison)
Psalm 103:8-12
The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. He will not always chide, nor will He keep His anger forever. He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His steadfast love toward those who fear Him; as far as the east is from the west, so far does He remove our transgressions from us.
The Reading of Scripture
Ezra 2:1-58
Pew Bible 389
The Receiving of New Members and Sacrament of Baptism
Membership Vows: Grayson and Mary Snyder
Baptism: Lewis Snyder
The Prayer of Thanksgiving
Kyle Mbiad, Deacon
The Giving of Tithes and Offerings
§ The Doxology
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
praise Him all creatures here below;
Praise God above, Praise God above,
ye heavenly host:
Praise the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Alleluia, allelu…alleluia. Amen. -- Ortega
The Prayer of Supplication
Stephen Murphy, Elder
The Hymn of Preparation
Christ is Made the Sure Foundation
N0 342
§ The Prayer for Understanding the Word of God
§ The Scripture Reading
Haggai 2:10-23
Pew Bible Page 791
The Preaching of God’s Word
Rev. Robie Hembree
Heart Matters
The Prayer for Blessing on the Word of God
§ The Hymn of Consecration
In Christ Alone
§ The Benediction Ephesians 6:24
Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible. Amen.