Weekly Bulletin | July 21, 2024

Welcome to Grace Church!
We are glad you are here!

Morning Worship | July 21, 2024

Morning Worship
The Lord's Day – July 21, 2024 – 10:30 AM
Please silence all communication devices before worship begins.
§ Denotes congregation standing as able

Welcome and Announcements

  • Join us tonight at 5:30pm for Combined Worship in Word and Sacrament, followed by a Youth Gathering at the Murphy Home.
  • Address: 11979 Bells Ferry Rd, Canton GA 30114
  • Nursery Workers: We need more helpers! Sign up on the app!
  • Summer Schedule (3FN) for Grace Family Night will run through August. 
  • Ladies Bible Study is on break for July. We will resume in August.
  • Ladies’ Brunch: August 24th, 10am. Mark your calendars!
  • We need helpers for Wednesday night meals! Sign up using the link on the app or in the weekly email, or just show up to help!
  • GriefShare: Classes Mondays from 6:30pm-8:00pm from June 3rd through August 26th. Contact Jody Gramling or Marla Rea for more information.
  • Ladies: Be on the lookout for a sign-up for fellowship groups.
The Prayer of Invocation
The Prelude

§ The Call to Worship                          
Revelation 11:17; Psalm 145:10
Leader: We offer thanks to You, LORD God Almighty, Who is and Who was, for You have taken Your great power and begun to reign.
People: All Your works shall give thanks to You, O LORD, and all Your saints shall bless You!

The Prayer of Adoration

§ The Hymn of Adoration                  
Holy, Holy, Holy                      
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The Prayer of Confession
  [Take a moment to silently confess your sins and unbelief…Amen.]
The Assurance of Pardon (Unison)                                    
Isaiah 1:18
Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.

The Reading of Scripture        
1 Corinthians 12        
Pew Bible Page 959

The Prayer of Thanksgiving                                
Lutfi Siyam, Deacon
The Giving of Tithes and Offerings
      You may also give online using our app.
§ The Doxology                                            
       Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
            praise Him all creatures here below;
       Praise God above, Praise God above,
           ye heavenly host:
       Praise the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
             Alleluia, allelu…alleluia. Amen. -- Ortega

The Prayer of Supplication                              
Stephen Murphy, Elder

The Hymn of Preparation                  
For All the Saints                
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§ The Prayer for Understanding the Word of God

§ The Scripture Reading          
Luke 10:25-37            

The Preaching of God’s Word                                          
Mr. Dan Boulton
      The Parable of the Good Samaritan

Sermon Outline:
Learning what Jesus Taught about Self-Justification in the Parable of the Good Samaritan
  • The Context
  • The Characters
  • Jesus and the Lawyer
  • The Primary Teaching
The Prayer for Blessing on the Word of God

§ The Hymn of Consecration          
Be Thou My Vision                
§ The Benediction                                                              
 1 Thessalonians 5:28
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.
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