Weekly Bulletin | Sept 8, 2024

Welcome to Grace Church!
We are glad you are here!

Morning Worship | September 8, 2024

Morning Worship
The Lord's Day – September 8, 2024 – 10:30 AM
Please silence all communication devices before worship begins.
§ Denotes congregation standing as able

Welcome and Announcements
  • Join us tonight at 5:30pm for Corporate Prayer in the Sanctuary.
  • Additional Adult Sunday School Class: Join us in the Blue room.
  • Congregational Meeting: After worship today to elect Deacon Candidates Travis Hanenburg and JT Schlotter.
  • Newcomers Class: October 11th-12th: Please sign up here, email amyh@gracecanton.org, or sign up on the app if you are interested.
  • Guys’ Night: Gentlemen, mark your calendars for September 20th, 6pm at Travis Hanenburg’s home. Bring meat to grill, a chair, and a side to share.
  • Youth Retreat at Camp Westminster: November 1st-3rd, 2024 for 6th-12th graders. Price is $110 per person; scholarships are available. See Troy Snyder for details. Registrations are due by October 1st.
The Prayer of Invocation
The Prelude

§ The Call to Worship                                                  
Psalm 66:5, 1, 2
Come and see what God has done: He is awesome in His deeds toward the children of man. Shout for joy to God, all the earth; sing the glory of His Name; give to Him glorious praise!
The Prayer of Adoration

§ The Hymn of Adoration            
We Are God’s People                
N0 355
The Prayer of Confession
  [Take a moment to silently confess your sins and unbelief…Amen.]
The Assurance of Pardon (Unison)                                      
1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

The Receiving of New Members
      James and Skyler McNaghten; Erica, Iris, Blythe
      Bob Broadbelt, Robbie

The Reading of Scripture        
2 Corinthians 2          
Pew Bible Page 964
The Prayer of Thanksgiving                            
Ryan Waddell, Deacon

The Giving of Tithes and Offerings
      You may also give online using our app.
§ The Doxology                                            
       Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
            praise Him all creatures here below;
       Praise God above, Praise God above,
           ye heavenly host:
       Praise the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
             Alleluia, allelu…alleluia. Amen. -- Ortega

The Prayer of Supplication                                    
Brady Payne, Elder

§ The Hymn of Preparation              
Your Will Be Done              
§ The Prayer for Understanding the Word of God

§ The Scripture Reading              
Esther 5                  
Pew Bible Page 413

The Preaching of God’s Word                                  
Rev. Robie Hembree
      Subtlety and Sovereignty
Sermon Outline:
  1. Esther’s Subtle Poise
  2. Haman’s Stubborn Pride
  3. God’s Sovereign Purpose
The Prayer for Blessing on the Word of God

§ The Hymn of Consecration      
Lead On, O King Eternal!          
N0 580
§ The Benediction                                                              
2 Thessalonians 3:18
         The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
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